Importing covered individuals

To import employees and those employees' covered individuals (beneficiaries and dependents):

  1. Prepare your import file using the template and follow the data requirements. Save the file in a secure location on your system, but make sure you can access it for the import process.

  2. Open My Workforce Forms and select Forms > Generate Forms(panel) and click the Generate Forms button.

    Note: After generating forms, you can import updates to existing form sets. For more information, see Reviewing, printing, and filing forms.

  3. Complete the required fields and selections on the Year and Employer and 1095-C Defaults steps and click Next.

  4. At the Covered Individual step, select the option to Import covered individuals from a *.CSV file.

  5. Click the Browse button to locate your covered individuals file, select your file, and click OK.

  6. Click Import to begin the file validation.

  7. When the import is complete, the Import Summary displays. Confirm that the Successfully Imported Records (the number of covered individuals) corresponds to the data in your file.

  8. If the import fails, review the Error Report for more information.

Note: Each time you import covered individuals, the previous information is overwritten. This means you can re-import covered individuals multiple times and generate forms for the applicable year again. When you generate forms you have the option to overwrite the existing forms or cancel and edit the forms manually.

The covered individuals file

Click the options below for more information about formatting the file.