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Formatting your payroll history file

Before you can import your payroll history file, you must prepare it to these specifics:

  • The file must be prepared as a comma delimited (.CSV) file.
  • All 9 fields are required.
  • A minimum of one (1) calendar year of payroll history is required for the file.
    • Up to two (2) calendar years of payroll history can be used by the system for the analysis.
    • A partial year of payroll history can be included with your one calendar year of data.
  • The import does not support leading or trailing spaces. Each field must include letters and (or) numbers, as specified below.
  • Each row represents a paycheck issued to your employee, or the Box 1 wages issued corresponding to each pay rate if your employee was paid multiple rates in one pay period.

The payroll history file

Click the options below for more information about formatting the file.